What can film do for your brand?

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Think about the last film you enjoyed. It probably made you laugh. Or cry. Or cry laughing. Maybe all three. Perhaps it made you chew your nails to the quick. Or jump out of your skin. It could have made your heart race like you’ve just run one. Taught you something. Or simply helped you relax after a stressful day.

That’s exactly why film makes great advertising – because it can influence people in so many ways.

## Compelling stories sell products, brands and values

By advertising, we mean everything from huge campaigns like Always’ (link:https://www.campaignlive.co.uk/article/case-study-always-likeagirl/1366870 text: **Like a Girl**), to (link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNa92k2DE-E text: **one-off brand films**), to snappy social media videos like Sainsbury’s (link: https://twitter.com/sainsburys/status/836229501633847296 text: **#FoodDancing**).

In fact, 9 in 10 people say product films help them make purchasing decisions. 64 per cent are more likely to buy something online after seeing film content about it. And putting a film on your landing page alone can increase your conversion rates by 80 per cent.

Basically, advertising has changed and the repeat messaging method (‘You buy one, you get one free! I said you buy one, you get one free!’) isn’t enough anymore.

## Off with their talking heads

We’ve all seen the man-in-a-suit-talking-to-camera ‘brand films’. Although you probably can’t remember the brand. And that’s for a reason. Even though it’s become a bit of a go-to for brand films to use this setup, there’s no rule saying this is what a brand film should be. (Just as it doesn’t need to be a (link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YBtspm8j8M text: **collection of stock footage**) set to Sigur Rós. In fact, there should probably be a rule against it.)

Whether you’re planning a big multimedia campaign or reactive social media content, storytelling should be at the heart. This means giving people the full picture of who your brand is, what it stands for and what it does.

## Combine emotional and rational arguments

Stories drive emotional engagement and this is extremely powerful when paired with rational arguments to sell your product, brand or values. And ‘emotive’ doesn’t have to mean heart-warming, or tear-jerking. Dollar Shave Club nail the funny brand story in their ‘explainer video’ where they use humour and facts in harmony to drive their emotional/rational story.

(youtube: https://youtu.be/ZUG9qYTJMsI)

Film is a hugely important ingredient in your brand or product’s story because of its power to communicate emotional and rational information so effectively. It’s something we’ve done recently with our in-house production agency HIPSTER for Coop Pharmacy’s new TV ad for Viagra Connect.

(youtube: https://youtu.be/D3MfV6axMyE)

If you want to find out more about film and brand storytelling, email (email: hello@superdream.co.uk text: **hello@superdream.co.uk**) or call 01527 573 770.